Loyalty program

Oaxaca Real Gold Oaxaca Real Gold

Connecting Oaxaca to the world!

Oaxaca Real Gold is a loyalty program to commend our most loyal guests. You will have exclusive and personalized benefits that only you will be able to enjoy.

When becoming a part of our loyalty program Oaxaca Real Gold, we offer the following BENEFITS for your next stays

Gold guest


  • No cost early check-in Starting at 8:00 hrs*
  • 20% discount Over our general rate during high season*
  • 15% discount On our restaurant La Terraza de Tita.
  • Check-out and parking Extension until 15 hrs*
  • Preferential price On transportation and excursion prices in our third-party travel agency. Subject to reservation and availability.
  • Priority In room selection.
  • The benefit of paying Upon arrival during low season.
  • The benefit of guaranteeing reservation 5 days prior to arrival during high season.
  • 1 opportunity per year To share the benefits with a gold guest.
  • 1 benefit of last-minute cancellation Without charge (from 3 to 0 days) per year, with the possibility of using the balance in a later stay.
  • Exclusive rates For 1 or 2 persons / Standard / $1,375 (Additional person $400).
  • Exclusive rates For 1 or 2 persons / Superior / $1,845 (Additional person $400).

Unlock rewards

Benefit Chart

Discover the magic of Oaxaca

Where the hospitality and charm meet to create an unforgettable experience.


Gold Guest